Contact information, Classroom Policies, and Classroom Rules
Welcome back and welcome to my Bible class!
Here is my contact information:
cell phone number: 304-922-5020
Below you will find my policies and expectations for this class.
Assignment Policy:
I will be posting your assignments here so that you can keep up with them in case you forget them or are absent.
I expect for the assignments given in class to be turned in on time, but I do understand that sometimes life happens. If something were to come up and you can't get your assignment in to me on time, send me an email or talk to me before or after class and we will work something out.
- If you are absent, I will give you three days to turn them into me. After those three days, the unexcused late assignment policy will begin.
- Unexcused late assignments- One day late = reminder and warning
Two days late = 5 points off
Three days late = 10 points off
Four days late = 20 points off and a message to your parent/guardian
Five days late = 30 points off, Mrs. Lucky and I will discuss what punishment is acceptable, and your parents/guardian will be contacted again
Six + days late = automatic 0 and another message to your parents/guardian (The assignment is still expected to be turned in.)
- As long as you try your best in my class, I will make sure you that you succeed.
Classroom Rules:
NO BULLYING UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE! (Bullying is anything said or done with the intent of hurting someone emotionally or physically.)
Be respectful to everyone.
Be present. (As long as you are present in my class and participate, you will do well!)