
Showing posts from January, 2025

2/3 - 2/7 Week Overview

  2/3 - 2/7 Week Overview We will finish "God finishes the work of creation" & start "God makes a beautiful home for man" Bible verse of the week: Psalm 23 - Quiz Thursday 2/6 2/5: We will do Unit 5 Week 2 Review ?'s in class. It is NOT  for homework if we don't finish.

Snow Day Packet B - 1/21

Click on the picture to make it clearer if needed!  

Snow Day Packet A - 1/16

Click on the picture to make it clearer if needed!  

1/13/25 - 1/17/25 Week Overview

 We will be going through Unit 5 Section 1 "The First Five Days of Creation." Bible verse of the week - Matthew 6:34 Bible verse QUIZ - 1/16  HW:  We will work on the Section ?'s in class. If we do not finish them on Friday, they are for Homework and will be due Monday 1/20.

Snow Day Assignment 1/10/25

 Read the parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl in Matthew 13:44-46 and write what they mean. What is Jesus talking about? What is the treasure and the pearl?  Copy down the verse you chose for your 2025 theme verse from yesterday, again. You will turn this in to me in person when we get back, and it will be for a grade.

Snow Day Assignment 1/9/25

 Read Psalm 131 and write what each verse is talking about. I also want you to find a verse of the year for yourself, copy it down, and tell me one reason you chose it as your verse for 2025. (I don't want to know what your favorite Bible verse is. I want you to find a verse to challenge you, encourage you, or help you grow in 2025. A theme verse for yourself for 2025.) You will turn this in to me in person when we get back, and it will be for a grade.

Snow Day Assignment 1/8/25

 Read Psalm 134 and write what each verse means. You will turn this in to me in person when we get back, and it will be for a grade. Before you start panicking... relax! It is only 3 verses.